Laser Therapy
Laser Therapy
GCSP uses the most advanced Class IV laser to maximize clinical benefits designed to target the body’s optimal light absorbing complexes to treat pain and accelerate the healing process. By combining several wavelengths and various modes of delivery, laser therapy at GCSP can effectively help in treating pain, decreasing inflammation, increasing circulation, and improving healing time.
What Conditions Are Treated Using Laser Therapy?
What Are the Benefits of Laser Therapy?
Laser therapy has synergistic effects with regenerative medicine by helping cells survive and enhancing the general health of the structures being treated for optimal recovery. It helps the body progress through the stages of inflammation more efficiently and enhances tissue healing. It is often used with other forms of treatment, including physical therapy, chiropractic, massage, soft tissue mobilization, electrotherapy and even following surgery.
How Many Laser Therapy Treatments Are Required and How Long is Each Treatment?
How Long Before Results of Laser Therapy are Felt?
What Are The Side Effects to Laser Therapy?
What Are The Contraindications to Laser Therapy?
- Recent corticosteroid injection at the site of treatment
- Hypersensitivity to light
- Implanted stimulator at site of treatment
- Pregnancy
- Pacemaker at site of treatment
- Use of photosensitive medications
- Active Cancer at the site of treatment
- Bleeding at the site of treatment
- Recent onset of cardiac issue
What Precautions Are Needed For Laser Therapy?
Do not use ice after a laser treatment. Treatments increase blood circulation and lymphatic flow and ice causes a reduction of blood circulation.