Cupping uses suction to create negative pressure on the skin and underlying tissues. The suction is created in one of two ways: a flammable substance being placed in the cup to create a vacuum, or a pneumatic pump used to remove the air. By pulling on the tissues, adhesions between the skin and muscle are corrected. This allows the skin and muscles to move more freely, thereby increasing range of motion. Also the suction brings blood to the area which helps decrease inflammation and aids in healing.
Cups are applied and left in place for about 5-20 minutes. Sometimes the cups will be moved and applied to a different area. After the cups are removed, the skin is cleaned, a topical analgesic may be applied to further soothe the area.
From a traditional Chinese medical (TCM) point of view, the mechanism of action is very similar to acupuncture. Pain arises from a lack of free flow of blood and energy (Qi) in any given area. The suction created by cupping allows for that stagnation to be mobilized so that fresh blood and Qi can permeate the area and facilitate healing.
What Conditions May Respond To Cupping?
Are There Any Risks Associated With Cupping?
How Many Treatments Will It Take?
How Much Does Cupping Cost?
Please call us to learn about our rates and packages.